It’s fair to say, this post should have been written some time ago and for that, I apologise.
Firstly, for those who don’t know us, we are Synergize Design and we are a web design agency based in Hull, East Yorkshire. Along with a couple of external cooperatives, the life, body and soul of our company consists of myself, Adam, and my business partner Luke.
We offer various services to help build and promote our clients’ online presence. This can be anything from designing a logo or promotional images for business’ social media pages, all the way up to building large scale websites for eCommerce purposes and in some cases – social media platforms complete with profiles and a chat system. But we can come back to this later. For now, i’d like to tell you a bit about us – then we can delve into how we can help you and your business.
Where were we again? Ah yes!
We’ve been in the industry as a business for a couple of years now and like every company, we’ve had our up’s and down’s. Fortunately for us though, our up’s have massively outweighed the down’s and have enabled us to grow into the business we are today (although we are not done yet!).
When Luke and I first started Synergize Design, we set out with the idea that we were going to change the world with our knowledge, skills, and devilish good looks. Okay, maybe not devilish, but they do say bald men are more attractive than those with hair (just saying).
It’s safe to say that we have met some truly fascinating people in our line of work and this is one of the things we love most about our job. Getting to know people and their stories is something we are passionate about at Synergize Design.
Having succumbed to all emotions ranging from fits of bellowing laughter, to tear jerking moments, we have had the privilege of hearing a lot of our clients’ personal and business biographies. As much as we are interested in this information, it also helps us to get an idea of how we can help our clients when performing design tasks for them.
Now before I go any further, It should be noted that i’m going into a bit of a story here and i’m known to ramble on, so i’ll do my best not to make you want to pop out the travel pillow and take forty winks.
Here goes.
When meeting with one of our first clients to discuss designing a website for them (don’t worry, I wont be name dropping), they made a passing comment that they were thinking about having some text printed on their vans, to let people know who they were and how they could get in touch. It was clear from the rather colourful words used that they weren’t looking forward to doing this, as they didn’t have a clue what they wanted the van to look like. They just knew it had to be done. In cases like this, which we have experienced so much of, Luke and I always ask one another if there is any way we can help the client further. So, after discussion amongst ourselves, we went back for another meeting to talk about finalisation of the website and it was then that we expressed an idea of ours to said client.
We stated that if they had a logo and graphics, that they could not only use it for their van, but also for their website. Among other reasons, this helps your business stand out as a visualisation to potential customers and visitors, thus creating a brand (I’m sure you already knew this, so here’s another apology. If you didn’t, don’t feel obliged to thank us, this one’s on the house).
This particular client took our advice, we designed the logo and graphics for them and they are about to have it printed on their vans soon (and are very happy about it now too, might I add). Anyway, the moral of the story is, we are passionate about getting to know our clients, as well as, helping make life easier for them in any way we can and ultimately help improve their business.
See! That wasn’t so bad was it?
So now that you know a little bit about us and that we are passionate about helping others, with our skills, knowledge, and expertise in any way we can, have a little think and ask yourself, ‘what do I need to help my business grow, or to get people to know who I am and what I/we do‘, or do you know anyone else who needs a bit of assistance with their business?
We would love to hear from you if you feel that you could benefit from any of the services we have to offer here at Synergize Design. If you don’t see what your in need of displayed on this site, feel free to contact us and ask us direct. After-all, if for some reason we can’t do what you need, we most likely know someone who can.
I’d like to take the time to thank you all for reading this post. You’ve survived the first one so give yourself a pat on the back, or whatever makes you feel rewarded. Feel free to share it with those who you think would enjoy or benefit from it. Let us know if there’s anything you’d like us to write about next, that would help your business progress and keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest posts and completed work of ours.
Right, time I got back to work!
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